A tour guide in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region saw his follower count soar to over three million after a vlogger featured his meticulous approach to his work during a tour on social media.▲ [Photo/Douyin account ofQiQin]On Saturday, a travel vlogger nicknamed Lu Ren Jia Lv Xing with over one million followers on Douyuin, a video-sharing platform, posted a video about her trip to Xinjiang.
Besides the scenery and food, she shared some thoughtful gestures made by her guide Qi Qin during the tour. The 15-day trip was arranged by the guide in a comprehensive and orderly manner, right down to the plane seat Qi booked for her — which was on the side of the cabin that enabled the vlogger to get a better view of the Tianshan Mountains.
Qi also stopped the vlogger from buying costly goods, recommending other places with reasonable prices. The guide"s actions were numerous and well-documented in the video.
Considering how often tour guides curse tourists for not buying goods at shops they recommended, Qi is a remarkable exception, the vlogger said.
The video soon went viral and received 4.5 million likes on Douyin. The guide won the hearts of netizens, with his fan count making the enormous jump from 600.
Bookings soared for Qi"s services in the aftermath of the video, leaving Qi amazed after receiving more than 10,000 inquiries in one day.
Many Douyin users complimented his dedicated attitude. A netizen named Bai Xue Xiao Yu commented: "No matter what you do for a living, whether you are working for others or have your own business, hard work always pays off."
Reporter: Quan Zhanfu
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